What Will the Future of Fashion Accessories Be Like?


In the year 2100, there will be no more fashion accessories for women because fashion itself will have changed completely. People will look at people differently due to the evolution in fashion, and fashion will become one of the main categories in society, dominating everything else. If you are not afraid of changing things, then you are a visionary and fashion follower, and you should watch yourself as society evolves. Here are some predictions about the future of fashion, and why you should join in:

If you think about it, the way fashion is today is not at all similar to the way it was even ten years ago. In the early twenty-first century, fashion was associated more with high fashion, and it still is to a certain extent. However, the twenty-second century has seen fashion become mainstream, with the rise of ironic subcultures such as the punk subculture, and the image of hip-hop artists such as Lil Kim and Rakim. These groups have popularized fashion. People no longer believe, “It’s just for girls” anymore.

It’s not just about what is fashionable anymore, but how a particular style or trend looks on the majority of women. The trend I am referring to here is the one that states that if women want to look good, then they should buy lots of fashion accessories, because they will accentuate their looks in any social situation. This also means that women should be able to buy as many different fashion accessories as they want, because each accessory can define a particular style, depending on the occasion that it is worn for. Fashion accessories of the future will redefine what it means to be a woman.
